June 1st 2022

Yoga Trapeze the most powerful inversion tool ever created. Changing your backbends for forever… less pain and more flexibility with balance upper body and core strength. How does it work? Here’s the truth: dozens of things cause back pain, but the physical reality is almost always the same. There is some form of compression, a squishing of the vertebrae into one another or a pinching of nerve. So you can massage, sauna, and medicate yourself to death—but nothing compares with the simple treatment of traction!

Traction is a term used by orthopaedic and chiropractic doctors to describe any treatment that pulls or lengthens the spine apart (as opposed to squishing it together,(Take a look at the illustration) A healthy spine has full, firm, and resilient disk tissues that allow for complete range of motion. This is ideal. But after sitting all day in an office or car; after exercising and rotating the spine at only 20% of its full potential; and after years of poor posture caused by those fabulous designer shoes; it’s very likely that some of your disks are not in great shape.

While modern yoga props have improved in quality and comfort for inversion sling yoga, the fundamental concept is the same. These simple devices allow you to practice new and different poses in ways that can transform your practice, and in particular, your spinal health and core and upper body strength.

Functional strength must include pushing, holding, and pulling.

So what does this have to do with the Yoga Trapeze? Everything! Most people initially become interested in the Yoga Trapeze for the spinal traction and passive backbends. However, they quickly learn that the functional pulling and grip strength involved in its use are equally (if not more) valuable, A practice that integrates the Yoga Trapeze, even if just once or twice a week, can include pushing, pulling, holding, hip opening, twists, backbends, forward bends, and more, students can work their shoulders, calm their nerves, and leave class floating on air.

How is the Yoga Trapeze® different from mat yoga?

While many of the yoga poses we do on the Yoga Trapeze look very similar to their mat-based counterparts, the dynamics are unique. The Yoga Trapeze will demand a great deal of upper body and core strength for even the most basic movements, such as getting in and out of the sling. It adds in the missing ‘pull’ motion lacking in mat-based classes.

The next big difference is the passive nature of many of the poses, particularly the backbends and shoulder stretches. Using the Yoga Trapeze, you’re able to assume extremely deep backbends in a passive way, allowing you to safely hold poses for long periods of time.


Key Yoga Trapeze differences:

  • Creates a great deal of upper body strength
  • Functional core strength for dozens of postures
  • Builds grip strength
  • Allows for passive backbends and spine decompression


  • Increases space between lower vertebrae
  • Traction on the spine (within two to three minutes)
  • Relief of back pain and sciatica
  • Core strength development
  • Deeper backbends and more open shoulders
  • Functional upper body and full body strength development
  • Spine decompression
Contact us for all enquiries 
phone: 07711 719199
mail: thebodysheduk@gmail.com